1-15 Days: The golden rule for hydroseeding is to keep the ground moist for a minimum of 30 days, without producing puddles. During these 30 days, germination will occur. The ideal times for watering are 9 am 12 pm and 3 pm
(do not water at night due to a high risk of producing fungi). GROUND MUST STAY MOIST DURING DAYLIGHT HOURS

15 Days (optional): Lightly fertilize with a low nitrogen fertilizer. (ex. Best 6-20-20 XB can be purchased at www.siteone.com)

30-45 Days: First mowing takes place. The lawn should be mowed when 50% of the area is 2″ (inches) or taller. The mower must be sharp and free of debris. Continue mowing once per week. Cut back on watering to once per day after the first mowing. Morning watering is preferred.

60-90 Days: Apply a good quality weed and feed that is approved for use on your grass or groundcover. DO NOT APPLY WEED AND FEED IF TEMPERATURE IS OVER 85 DEGREES