Proper watering is key to success after Hydroseeding

Once you’ve completed the hydroseeding process, it becomes imperative to closely monitor the moisture levels of your freshly seeded area. Ideally, aim for daily checks to ensure consistent hydration. However, if this frequency is not feasible due to time constraints or other factors, conducting inspections every 3, 7, or 14 days can still effectively gauge moisture levels and address any watering needs.

During your inspections, pay close attention to any areas that appear lighter in color compared to their surroundings. These lighter patches are indicative of dryness and may signal a lack of sufficient moisture for germination and growth. Conversely, darker areas typically signify adequate moisture levels, suggesting that those sections are receiving the necessary hydration.

In addition to assessing color variations, be on the lookout for any puddles that persist for more than a day. Prolonged puddling can indicate potential issues with your sprinkler system, such as uneven coverage or improper timing, which may necessitate adjustments to ensure uniform watering and prevent overwatering or underwatering.

Furthermore, it’s essential to recognize that weather conditions play a significant role in determining watering needs. Periods of intense heat or heavy rainfall can drastically alter soil moisture levels, impacting the hydration requirements of your newly seeded area. In response to these weather fluctuations, consider modifying your sprinkler schedule accordingly to provide adequate hydration while avoiding waterlogging or drought stress.

By maintaining vigilance and flexibility in your watering regimen, you create an optimal environment for your new seeds to thrive and flourish into healthy plants. Consistent monitoring and adjustments based on observed conditions and weather forecasts will help support successful germination and establishment, ultimately contributing to the long-term health and vitality of your landscape.

Hydroseeding Common Mistakes

Hydroseeding Common Mistakes

  • Allowing pets to urinate on the lawn as the ammonia from pet urine will stunt or kill the growth of grass in certain areas.
  • Underwatering
  • Overwatering
  • Applying harsh chemicals during the heat of summer on new lawns will kill new grass
  • Wait 1 day for Hydroseed to dry before beginning a watering program.
  • Depending on your environment and (or) soil preparations, weeds may or may not appear.
  • If weeds grow in with the Hydroseed do not use a weed killer or weed and feed until the lawn is mature
    enough to withstand the treatment.
  • Just mow weeds as you would your grass, once you apply weed and feed you can begin to control their growth
  • After the grass is established mowing height should be 3 1/4″ to 4″.
  • Fertilize 3-4 times annually with a good quality fertilizer. (Best brand 15-15-15)
  • Due to the differences in PH levels and compaction in soil, it is NOT uncommon to have areas that are slow in the germination process.
  • Many of these areas will fill in once weekly mowing begins.
  • You must ensure that slow germinating areas are not due to the lack of water
  • During cold weather or cooler overnight temperatures, it may take longer to germinate your seed.
  • Hydroseed may splash on walls or sidewalks; this is also a regular occurrence and we do not recommend washing it off with water until the grass has grown in
Hydroseeding Directions and Care

Hydroseeding Directions and Care

1-15 Days: The golden rule for hydroseeding is to keep the ground moist for a minimum of 30 days, without producing puddles. During these 30 days, germination will occur. The ideal times for watering are 9 am 12 pm and 3 pm
(do not water at night due to a high risk of producing fungi). GROUND MUST STAY MOIST DURING DAYLIGHT HOURS

15 Days (optional): Lightly fertilize with a low nitrogen fertilizer. (ex. Best 6-20-20 XB can be purchased at

30-45 Days: First mowing takes place. The lawn should be mowed when 50% of the area is 2″ (inches) or taller. The mower must be sharp and free of debris. Continue mowing once per week. Cut back on watering to once per day after the first mowing. Morning watering is preferred.

60-90 Days: Apply a good quality weed and feed that is approved for use on your grass or groundcover. DO NOT APPLY WEED AND FEED IF TEMPERATURE IS OVER 85 DEGREES