- Allowing pets to urinate on the lawn as the ammonia from pet urine will stunt or kill the growth of grass in certain areas.
- Underwatering
- Overwatering
- Applying harsh chemicals during the heat of summer on new lawns will kill new grass
- Wait 1 day for Hydroseed to dry before beginning a watering program.
- Depending on your environment and (or) soil preparations, weeds may or may not appear.
- If weeds grow in with the Hydroseed do not use a weed killer or weed and feed until the lawn is mature
enough to withstand the treatment. - Just mow weeds as you would your grass, once you apply weed and feed you can begin to control their growth
- After the grass is established mowing height should be 3 1/4″ to 4″.
- Fertilize 3-4 times annually with a good quality fertilizer. (Best brand 15-15-15)
- Due to the differences in PH levels and compaction in soil, it is NOT uncommon to have areas that are slow in the germination process.
- Many of these areas will fill in once weekly mowing begins.
- You must ensure that slow germinating areas are not due to the lack of water
- During cold weather or cooler overnight temperatures, it may take longer to germinate your seed.
- Hydroseed may splash on walls or sidewalks; this is also a regular occurrence and we do not recommend washing it off with water until the grass has grown in
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